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Loopholes and mashed potatoes

Many times people are upset that drivers have avoided their DUI charges due to loopholes.  In this blog I am not going to examine loopholes, but I am going to blog about a couple of "loopholes" that have been closed by the State of Illinois.

The State of Illinois has decided that if you refuse to take the breathalyzer when asked your license will be suspended.  However, if you win your DUI case after being suspended, YOU ARE STILL SUSPENDED.

Do you see how the State is getting tougher on DUIs here by "getting tough" on drivers who weren't DUI?

The legal limit has dropped to 0.08.  When the State "gets tougher" on DUI.  Will they move it to 0.05? 

There has been about 30 years of aggressive legislative action against DUI, and yet the number of DUIs in Illinois has NEVER went down.  Is there some stone that they have left unturned?

Each time the Illinois legislature attempts to close a loophole, they create defenses and other ways to deal with the charges.  The problem is like mashed potatoes.  The more you try to squeeze it in your hand the more it escapes between your fingers.  I don't know what the solution to the "problem" is, but I know that I am going to keep helping people avoid the state's misguided attempts to solve it.

Ray Flavin

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